You're not sure how much coaching you want or need, over what time period, or even what to focus on yet.
This flexible coaching option is for you.
- Clarify where you are now and where you want to be.
- Come up with the plan of 'how' to get it.
- Ensure you take action, measure and review, take action again.
- Keep motivated, resilient and creative.
- Most of all, how are you going to stay accountable? This is critical as the best way to guaranteed that you keep moving forward.
The answers are up to you and there are lots of strategies you can use to take action, some you can read in my blog. But it's harder with just books and blogs.
Coaching you is the only way I know to give the kind of support that means you have me, with no agenda of my own, right there alongside you wanting you to achieve your goal as much as you do. To be honest and supportive. To help you find perspective and solutions. To motivate you and most of all to provide accountability to ensure changes happens, more quickly than is possible on your own.
Would you like the kind of results these people have had...?
"I needed confidence, clarity and focus. I needed to believe I could do this and I needed a gentle push. I got ALL of those working with Laura." - Artist.
"Thanks so much for our first session, it was really great ! So was the time well spent and do I feel positive? - YES!!!" At the end of our coaching: "Thank you for all your care and hard work, you were really outstanding" - University Administrator.
"I wanted to thank you for giving me help and guidance. It was a pretty critical time of the term for me and I just felt like I had no idea what I was doing. At the moment I am working at a marketing agency in London over the summer, and just got my results back and did really well...so things are definitely looking up! Thanks again for your time...I just wanted to let you know it was greatly appreciated!" - Business student.
"I still keep your notes so that I can go back to remind myself on how to trick the brain to form good habits!" - PR and Content Executive in a Creative Agency.
"I owe you another big thank you for your very helpful guidance about xxxx when I decided to apply for the job. That was really useful! Anyway, last week it was confirmed that I am now to be Head of Department! " - University Academic.
"I just wanted to thank you for your help and positivity on Tuesday, it makes a massive difference! I have worked on my C.V, I am looking at job possibilities and am feeling much more positive, almost quite excited dare I say!" - Languages student.
YES, but how? What would we work on to achieve the kind of outcomes quoted?
- Confidence and perspective is probably the most common one and this is no different for those I coach who have established careers.
- Procrastination, negative self-talk, overwhelm and lack of focus. Again, so common they are part of the human condition. But there are ways around the paths our brains habitually take us down.
- Research and exploration of self and options.
- As you would expect: job search strategies, application/ CV feedback, interview prep may come into our sessions when you are ready.
Ready to start receiving the type of uplifting, unbiased and non-judgemental support you've probably never experienced before?
Fantastic! We start with an initial payment of £225 for a 2 hour discussion exploring and setting goals and actions at that point. Then for a recurring monthly payment of £130 per calendar month you can:
- Book up to 60 minutes one to one time per month (phone or Skype).
- Email quick queries and receive a personal response within 24 hours.
- Receive text/phone prompts and check ins, or report back your actions - to help keep you on track with your goals.
I can't wait for us to get started!!
Just before we do though:
- Let me tell you a little more about coaching, so you are clear what it is and isn't.
- Check you are ready for coaching and if any questions or concerns have not been covered contact me.
- Go ahead and 'purchase'. Then expect to hear from me within 48 hours.