Evening and weekend appointments available.
"I was getting despondent about the job application process but thanks to your help and encouragement I have been able to secure a great job with PA Consulting."
"Just thought I'd give you an update on the application which you helped me with. As you know I attended the assessment centre last week and I received a job offer today! In particular, thanks to you for your help in my interview, you gave me a lot of pointers that I certainly think helped me get to this outcome. Thanks again!"
“You gave me very good advice about civil service jobs after my PhD - I have just started at the Ministry of Justice as a Fast Streamer and am loving it. Thanks for your tips and guidance on getting through the entry process, they were really valuable.”
"I went to the assessment centre on Wednesday- there were only 6 of us chosen to attend! The day was pretty intense and involved a group task and an hour long interview. Anyway, long story short… they called me yesterday and offered me the job!!" - Design Management role.
"I've been offered a place on the NHS graduate scheme. I couldn't believe it when they called me yesterday and I have already accepted the offer. I would like to thank you once again for your help, it really made a difference."
- Don't know where to start with CVs, cover letters and application forms?
- Feel like you do nothing else but apply and your heart is now sinking at the thought of yet another application and rejection?
- Perfecting your applications and getting ready for the dreaded interview?
- Wondering if you should give up or lower your expectations? Please don't do that without advice to ensure you have been giving yourself the best shot.
This package will start with a review of your target jobs and past applications. We then discuss your next application, with detailed feedback on a draft, until you feel 100% confident in your ability to do yourself justice at this stage. By application I mean CV, application form, cover letter, the whole package. The application stage is often underestimated, despite generally being the most competitive stage to get through. I aim to develop application skills that you can take forward to future applications. This is NOT just a proof reading or 'check' of an application, with you then feeling unsure and in need of advice again the next time around.
Once you have that application(s) off we can then do some interview preparation, based on one of your target roles. Discussing past feedback from interviewers if you have it, predicting questions, practicing when you feel ready and receiving detailed feedback, or focusing on questions you are dreading and hints and tips on positive mindset and controlling nerves. Or you may have an Assessment Centre to attend so we can focus on that whole day of activities, which normally includes an interview but also group tasks and maybe a presentation.
You will be surprised how much more confident you can feel about these crucial stages of selection after a series of one to one sessions (by phone or Skype) and the email support around those.
Following your interview we can de-brief too - to discuss the job offer, any employer feedback and any improvements you want to make in the future.
I don't sell bigger more expensive packages than people need. Having a lot of experience I find I can help clients make quick progress so it's extremely likely this will be all you need. But don't worry if you find interviews particularly nerve wrecking or you decide to change career route to one requiring a very different style of application or interview.
My aim will be to still provide what you need to be self sufficient within the above programme. But, if it makes you more comfortable then an additional practice interview, extra work on anxiety, more detail on tests or assessment centres, or further discussion on applications can be added - if we both agree that would be helpful.
Support is provided by phone/ Skype and also email and text as appropriate.
Do read more about me and contact me if you have questions. It's natural to wonder.."yes, but can she help me?" or "is it really worth the investment?" Chances are I will be able to give examples of how I have helped people just like you and applying for just the same jobs. But, if I'm not the right person I will say so.
Once you purchase this package I will be in touch within 36 hours (normally sooner) to agree a time to get started.