Early Career Support

Early Career Support

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  • You are considering life after education or travel. 
  • You've taken your first step into work. Now you want a clearer picture of your long-term options and plans.
  • You've hopped around, but can't quite work out what you really want.
  • You have been in work but aren't now, or it's unstable hours/ contracts.
  • You know what you want, but not how to get there.
  • You are at the start of your career due to illness, raising a family, any other reason for not having much experience yet.

This package isn't based on age or level of qualification. If you would define your current stage as 'early' in terms of career decisions and plans, then this is a great place to start with whatever you need to get you moving.

"I just wanted to thank you for your help and positivity on Tuesday, it makes a massive difference! I have worked on my C.V, I am looking at job possibilities and am feeling much more positive, almost quite excited dare I say!" -  Languages student.

"I’d really like to thank you for all the help and support you’ve given me over the last few months! If it hadn’t been for our discussions then I would still be completely lost in terms of my career options and would never have dreamt of applying for this job! I went to the assessment centre on Wednesday- there were only 6 of us chosen to attend! The day was pretty intense and involved a group task and an hour long interview. Anyway, long story short… they called me yesterday and offered me the job!! I’m still not completely sure where I’ll end up longer term career wise, but this is definitely a great start!" - Architecture graduate who decided to not pursue Architecture. 

"I wanted to thank you for giving me help and guidance. It was a pretty critical time of the term for me and I just felt like I had no idea what I was doing. At the moment I am working at a marketing agency in London over the summer, and just got my results back and did really well...so things are definitely looking up! Thanks again for your time...I just wanted to let you know it was greatly appreciated!" - Business student.    

"I got the job! It is a good actuarial training position with Liverpool Victoria so I think my search is at an end, all being well. I just wanted to say thanks for all your help, your advice was very valuable to me and I learnt a lot about my self. It was especially useful to know I had somewhere to go for help if and when things went wrong and I'm certain what I learnt about my personality will continue to help me through my life" - Maths student.

"Just some quick feedback about my session today, which I found  really useful. It helped me to think critically about myself and my current career path. I came out with a variety of strategies to make a more informed choice about about my future career as well as some some options I hadn't previously considered, even heard of. You guided the session so well, were very personable and well informed about different sources of information, decision making strategies and career options." - Civil Engineering student.

Does this sound like the sort of progress you're looking for to get your career moving?

Yes, but how? What kind of areas would we work on to achieve the kind of outcomes quoted?

  • Confidence and perspective is probably the most common one and this is no different for those I coach who have established careers.
  • Procrastination, negative self-talk, overwhelm and lack of focus. Again, so common they are part of the human condition. But there are ways around the paths our brains habitually take us down.
  • Research and exploration of self and options.
  • As you would expect: job search strategies, application/ CV feedback, interview prep may come into our sessions when you are ready. Or in follow up sessions. Those are something I help people with every day, although it is the motivation and confidence to keep taking actions which is fundamental to my work with you. 

Exactly what we cover will be flexible and completely tailored to you. This is a  package of 4.5 hours one to one time, over the phone, Skype or Teams. Normally split into 3 sessions each lasting 90 minutes, but we can vary and adapt this. We will both spend time outside those hours, there may be email and text support, I will review and prepare and you will definitely be working so that you get the most out of our time together. All at your own pace though - we agree what is realistic session by session and you might want to work intensively with short time frames, or you might want longer in between sessions.

I know how much can be achieved within this time. So I don't want to tie you into a larger programme you don't need and I don't stretch out the work. However, if you are worried you will need longer that is fine, there is the option to continue further, or perhaps purchase a follow up session a few months down the line.  

I know it's still scary though - wondering if I can really help you. So I take the risk for you. You can purchase and get started straight away - I like to help prevent procrastination and indecision :)  However, if, during our first session, either of us feel that this isn't going to work then I guarantee to refund the package. I'm confident you won't want to, but if the time isn't right or there is some other type of support you need first then it will be clear to me and probably to both of us. In that case I will wish you well and hope to catch up with you again in the future.

You'd like a bit more detail, on how things might progress for you?

Well, the key first step is to decide you're going to make progress now. And that is the only decision - "progress now". "sometime" is deciding not to do this. 

Second, now you've decided to get moving - what are you going to do next? In order to:

  1. Clarify where you are now and where you want to be. 
  2. Come up with the plan of 'how' to get it.
  3. Ensure you take action, measure and review, take action again.
  4. Keep motivated, resilient and creative.
  5. Most of all, how are you going to stay accountable? This is critical as the best way to guaranteed that you keep moving forward.

The answers are up to you and there are lots of strategies you can use to take action, some you can read in my blog. But it's harder with just books and blogs. 

Coaching you is the only way I know to give the kind of support that means you have me, with no agenda of my own, right there alongside you wanting you to achieve your goal as much as you do. To be honest and supportive. To help you find perspective and solutions. To motivate you and most of all to provide accountability to ensure changes happens, more quickly than is possible on your own. Of course I would say that but you don't just have to take my word for it.

"I needed confidence, clarity and focus. I needed to believe I could do this and I needed a gentle push. I got ALL of those working with you" - Artist. 

"I still keep your notes so that I can go back to remind myself on how to trick the brain to form good habits!" - recent graduate now a PR and Content Executive in a Creative Agency.

Ready to start receiving the type of uplifting, unbiased and non-judgemental support you've probably never experienced before?


Excellent, I can't wait for us to get started!!  

Just before we do:

  • Let me tell you a little more about coaching, so you are clear what it is and isn't. 
  • Check you are ready for coaching and if any questions or concerns have not been covered contact me.  
  • Go ahead and 'purchase'.  Then expect to hear from me within 48 hours.