What is Coaching?
What is the difference between advice, guidance and coaching?
Advice is based on my knowledge of careers, work and employers, or recruitment practice to inform you about specific things. For example, what is fact or myth about psychometric tests, how graduate recruitment processes work, what course of action you can take if you have more than one job offer. What you actually do is still up to you of course.
Guidance is discussing different ways of doing or looking at things. So that might be fairly directive and based on the above knowledge, e.g. what a specific application form question is really getting at. Or it may be a little more subjective, for example suggesting different ways of getting your qualities across better in your applications. Or perhaps discussing different strategies for choosing a career or conducting your job search. I will say what is just my opinion, how advice and guidance might vary according to your personality, circumstances, target sector etc. No one should tell you their opinion as if it were fact, e.g. "your CV must have..." that's not true and it's not good guidance.
When it comes to thinking about career and life choices or tackling various issues, then the guidance is less and less directive. Most Careers Advisers are inaccurately named really in that they won't often say "I advise you to do this". I was trained to take a counselling approach to guidance, so that means listening, reflecting back what I hear and challenging, giving different perspectives, helping you spot what you are saying and what I notice in terms of how you're saying things. Don't worry though, whilst guidance is not passive because you need to work at your career, it isn't actually counselling. You only share what you feel is relevant. You can perhaps see how these three areas overlap and guidance gets close to coaching.
Coaching uses many of the skills needed above. Like guidance, coaching will probably touch on past decisions and events and like guidance it will then look to what you want to achieve in the future. Coaching then brings in a few more techniques and tools, some based on neuropsychology and cognitive psychology. Again if any of those areas don't appeal that is fine. Coaching is VERY transparent - I always make it clear what I'm offering and you are always fully in control of deciding what you want to try. Most of all coaching is focused on the future and always goals/ results focused. You choose the goals and I work to keep you accountable to those. With coaching more specific actions and time are frames agreed, than in traditional career guidance. I know where all humans can slip up so we prepare for what might get in the way of you taking action and how you'd like to tackle that. We discuss strategies until you feel as confident as possible that you will do what you've set out to do. If between session we see that things haven't worked out (or could be better) we look at why and what to change, but completely without judgement. No shame, no blame, but also no justification - just straight onto trying another way.
Advice, guidance and coaching should all have desirable outcomes. Sometimes with advice and guidance it's not always so measurable or immediate, but still tangible to you. Coaching, if you're ready for it, will always mean quantifiable progress and more quickly than on your own.
What if you're not ready for coaching, or not sure?
Questions to ask yourself before hiring a coach.
If you're still not sure it's probably best not to over think it. If you know you want your life to change and if you hope you are ready to benefit from coaching, then go ahead and Book Me. If you aren't ready, or if there is something else you need to do first, then one or both of us will know within the first session. If that is the case I will refund the package, wish you well and hope to see you in the future.